Your donation will help Holy Trinity continue to provide a quality, values-based, Catholic education. Also, your tax-deductible donation through the annual campaign and endowment fund contribution will be used to continue building the Catholic faith in children's lives, both today and in the years to come.
Endowment Fund
Purpose of an Endowment Fund
To invest assets that will support Holy Trinity’s mission in perpetuity.
History of Holy Trinity Endowment
The first funds of $7,537 were invested in an endowment in April 1993 and has grown to over $211,000 since then. It is invested in the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of St. Cloud.
Future use of the Endowment
A percentage of the interest earned will be used as income in the school budget. The remainder of the interest will be reinvested in the endowment to allow the principle to grow.
Annual Campaign
The Annual Campaign seeks annual contributions from Holy Trinity Catholic School supporters. The contributions are used to meet the annual financial obligations of the school, including payroll, curriculum development, and facility maintenance.
Your donation will help Holy Trinity continue to provide a quality, values-based, Catholic education. Also, your tax-deductible donation will be used to continue building the Catholic faith in children's lives, both today and in the years to come.
Box Tops for Education

Coffee Sales
Fair trade coffee is available through Holy Trinity! The coffee comes from Guatemala and is roasted here in Minnesota. A portion of each sale is used to enrich students' learning experiences.
All coffees are available in whole bean or ground
Medium - in stock
Dark - in stock
French Roast - in stock
Decaf - in stock