Holy Trinity School provides a Catholic, Christian environment in which staff and students model faith and love in their daily interactions. A lifelong foundation for successful learning is built upon spiritual growth and academic excellence, where students will acquire the skills to reach their highest potential.
We believe the students will develop an awareness and understanding of their place in the global community through stewardship, service projects, and an acceptance of individual differences. Our atmosphere reflects the importance of the relationship between the church, family and school working together to provide the basis for strong faith-filled leaders of tomorrow.

Art is an integral part of a well-rounded education. The arts teach students how to problem solve and give a sense of value and accomplishment.

Language Arts
Literacy represents the lifelong, intellectual process of gaining meaning from interpreting written or printed text. The key to literacy is reading development, a progression of skills that begins with the ability to understand spoken words and decode written words, and the culmination in deep understanding of text.
Students develop a deeper understanding of math as well as powerful, life-long habits of mind, such as perseverance, creative thinking, and the ability to express and defend their reasoning.

Music provides peak meaningful experiences and aesthetic experiences that help to create excited learners. Students learn and discover about music through active music making and develop the musical skills of performing, listening and analyzing, and creating.

Students will understand that being active on a regular basis, choosing healthy foods and activities, and that a healthy body, together promote a strong personal foundation for learning. The standards students learn will be done in a variety of ways where participation and trying are paramount.

Our curriculum promotes ongoing formation and spiritual growth, and to prepare our students to be Catholic leaders and faithful stewards in our parishes and global community.
Crosscutting Concepts help students explore connections across the four domains of science, including Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering Design.
Students engage in practices to build, deepen, and apply their knowledge of core ideas and crosscutting concepts.
These core ideas build on each other as students progress through grade levels and are grouped into the following four domains: Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering.

Social Studies
Students will make informed and educated decisions for the good of society, including a focus on Catholic social teachings. We want students to be critical thinking citizens who will also use their faith when learning about their world.

Educational technology empowers students and teachers with the knowledge, skills and encouragement to be lifelong learners.